Clarice Guargard

About Clarice Guargard

Our moderator is a very special person who can definitely not be pigeon-holed. Clarice Gargard works for national and local TV at BNNVARA and AT5, but also for Vogue en The Correspondent. Moreover, she’s mainly a social advocate for society. Her upbringing during the Liberian civil wars and her family history was documented in the documentary Daddy and the Warlord (directed by Shamira Raphaela) which was released in March this year. Her story about growing up as the daughter of Charles Taylor’s right-handman needed more space to share. Her book Drakendochter (Arbeiderspers), goes into further detail about these topics and was released this month. In her book she explains what it was like to grow up with a father who worked for evil, though she only knew the good in him. How can you tell what’s right from what’s wrong when your own father works for a dictator? All this life-experience and her extensive travels from Liberia, to the US and the Netherlands have given her a clear vision on society. Her background as an Afro-European and American gives her a very wide perspective on things and on societies as a whole. Not one to shy away from only writing about what’s needed or documenting this, she really takes matters into her own hands and acts upon them. In 2019 she’ll be the Dutch Women’s representative at the UN and will give a speech on women’s rights during the UN’s General Assembly. As a social advocate she represent the current way of inclusive feminism that stands for emancipation that is not one size fits all and an equal and sustainable world.

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