2019 TEDxAmsterdam : Planet Act

TEDxAmsterdam 2019 Planet Act 23 nov 2019 Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam Theme: Planet Act We read social posts and blogs on sustainability, we share them, we like them, we tag our friends. We think about it, we want to know more about it and we share thoughts about it. We invest our time in knowing […]

Wouter de Jong: A better world starts in your head

  During his moment on stage during TEDxAmsterdam 2019, Wouter will make sure that we will ask each other important questions that bring us further, give us new insights and gain us new perspectives but most of all make us all be part of a better world. Compassionate questions that you can ask yourself regularly: […]

Jan van de Venis: Who owns nature? Or does nature own itself?

Jan van de Venis

Do humans own everything? Or can nature or a part of nature, like a river, a national park or even a tree have rights? Who owns it? Nature owning itself is part of an emerging “rights of nature” movement that’s inspiring so many around the world. Jan van de Venis is owner of law firm JustLaw, […]

Charles Groenhuijsen: America is becoming progressively progressive. Really.

Whilst the vast majority of people have opinions about America and the American people, Charles Groenhuijsen has his own unique perspective and admits being stateside is an experience he misses. What’s interesting about his findings is that although America has clearly made its mark in societal history, due to its fast success and a rags […]

Luan Buleshkaj: Former radio presenter turned whimsical wordsmith

Luan Buleshkaj is a former radio presenter turned whimsical wordsmith. The well-known spoken word artist encompasses a kind of magic that very few of us could ever achieve. It could be something to do with the fact he’s worked in a number of copywriting roles, or it could have something to do with his blood […]